Memoriae Jacobi Guthrie consanguine
judiciis integri apud taodunonses qui fuer a patri Mro jo Guthrie ecclesiae
Toadunensis pastore peregre missus Holmiae tyrocinium mercaturae fecit
manumissus cum pluribus populis commurcium habuit duseit uxorem Christianam
Scott Jo Scott praetori orfam quae pia conjuse hoc sepulchrum suis sumptibus
moerens posuit fatis concessit calandis Aprilis aetatis suae 46 anno aerae
Christianae 1710 uxorem & septem ex ea filios superstites relinquens.
Source: The Book of the Howff, ŠLibraries, Leisure and Culture
Dundee, Local History Centre & is reproduced with kind permission.
To the memory of James Guthrie, related to an upright Judge amoung the inhabitants of Dundee, who, when a boy
was sent to a distance by his father, Mr John Guthrie, pastor of a church in Dundee. He served his apprenticeship
to merchandise at Stockholm ; and, when freed, he traded with many nations. He married Christian Scott,
descended from Baillie John Scott. His pious wife, sorrowing, placed this monument at her own expense. He died
in the calends of April, in the year of the Christian era 1710, and of his age 46, leaving his wife and seven of her
sons surviving |