Tombs of the Dundee Howff.


 Additional Register Entries. 



The listing on this page is mostly of names and along with associated occupations of entries in the Register of Tombstones and Memorials 1832. The entries however do not appear to be relevant to monuments currently within the Burying ground and have been placed here for completeness. However if a connection is made these entries will be moved to the relevant memorial page.

1-4      Thomas Milne.
7-2      John Duff Jnr, Tanner.
7-3      1833 Henry Baxter.
9-2      Alexander Reid, Cromwell Park.
18        Mathew Low 1832.
46-2     James Mitchell, Dundee Bank.
60-4     Thomas Yule, Shoemaker.
62        1767 AH EW Andrew Hunter and Eliza Whitton 1707.
64-2     James Webster Esq of Balmuir.
71-2     James Lickely.
77-2     Alexr McDonald, Weaver.
77-3     James Matthew Weaver.
79-2     John Smart, Flaxdresser.
83        Thomas ? 1629.
94-2     John Cameron, Mason, Dundee.
95-2     Robert Bell, Cabinet Maker.
102      1707 Standing stone, name worn out.
135-2   Duncan Cameron, Labourer, Lochee.
141-2   Thomas Fyffe, Tinsmith, Dundee.
149       Miss Margaret Dryden.
154-2   Alex Sellar, Writer.
176-2   James Profit, Vintner.
177-2   David Muir, Weaver, Charles Muir, Ropemaker, Helen Duncan, Tailor.
201-2   Alex Hood, Baker.
217-2   George Diack, Grocer.
226-4   Nicoll Luarrier, Sailor.
227-2   James Alexander, Messenger at Arms.
228-2   Thomas Blair, Grocer.
245-2   Thomas Pitkethly, Corn Merchant.
256-2   Representatives of the late John Millar, Teacher.
261-2   John Lowden, Ship Carpenter.
268-2   David Lindsay, Mill Manager.
270-3   Thomas Smith, Tailor.
272-3   James Luckie, Weaver.
294-2   James Cooper, Gardiner.
301-3   William Wallace, Flaxdresser.
301-4   John Cuthbert, Coachmaker.
302-3   John Mill, Merchant.
313-2   David Mitchell, Rope and Sailmaker.
338-5   William Bowman, Shipwright.
339-2   John & David Mitchell for George Mitchell.
373-2   David Blair Junr, Merchant.
392-2   Robert Pitkethly.
397-3   David Hood, sometime farmer residing in Dundee.
427-4   William Brough, Warper.
427-5   David Raitt, Clerk.
435-2   Representatives of the late Mrs Thomas Crichton widow of Captain Thomas Crichton.
455-2   Peter Symers, Weaver.
461-2   Elizabeth Ritchie widow of the late James Pirrie, Maltman.
461-3   Elizabeth Donaldson wife of William Downie.
461-4   David Stiven, Cabinet maker.
462-2   William Cochran, Druggist.
495      William Dick, Surgeon, Dundee.
505-2   James McBeath, Plasterer.
519-2   Andrew Smith, Upholsterer.
527-2   Alex Jamieson, son of the late John Jamieson, Weaver.
555-2   David Nicoll, Mason.
562-3   James Horsburgh, Shipbuilder.
563-2   Martin Fallon, Broker.
568-2   Walter Shaw, Writer.
569-2   Robert Croll, Reedmaker.
576-2   Thomas Rattray, Mason.
616      1826, David Robertson.
621-3   Alexander Whamond, Grocer.
621-4   James Maxwell, Clerk.
628-2   Graham Booth, Mill Foreman.
632-2   John Hood and Thomas Wood, Weavers.
635-2   1832 Robert Nicoll, Merchant.
636-3   1835 Misses Anderson, Nethergate.
659-3   Isabella Robertson, Widow of William Small, Shipmaster.
664-3   Thomas Bentley, Grocer.
685      1817 Alex Constable, (revised) Manufacturer, Dalfield.
686      Revised 1st by Alex, revised 2nd by William Machan, Shipmaster in 1821.
687-2   David Grimmond, Mason.
702-2   William Adams, Clerk.
704-4   John Watson, Vintner.
704-5   Thomas Reid, Vintner, Lion Tavern.
711-3   David Turnbull, Shipmaster.
711-4   David Gunn Miller, Grocer.
711-5   George and David Peter, Masons.
711-6   John Wedderburn Esq, Auchterhouse.
711-7   John Wedderburn Esq, Auchterhouse.
711-8   Robert Wynd, Weaver.
722-2   Margaret Drummond, Widow of late John Forbes, Smith.
732-3   David Booth, Weaver.
732-4   Elizabeth Crimmond, Widow of Robert Young, Starcher.
752-3   John Watson, Plumber.
768-2   James Ireland, Mill Manager.
774-3   Robert Strachan, Merchant.
774-4   John Kerr, Writer.
775      1813 Andrew McKenzie, (revised), Merchant Dundee and Messenger at Arms, No 778 claimed also by Andrew McKenzie.
779-2   John Campbell, Tobaconnist.
797-4   Alexander Wilson, Weaver.
839-2   John Steven, Machine Maker.
845-3   William Angus, Weaver.
851-2   George Dutch, Joiner, Dundee.
851-3   George Lesslie, Mason.
851-4   John Ramsay, Carter, Logie Feus by Dundee.
868-2   1835 Representatives of John Morton, Merchant.
923-3   Alexander Ayr.
925-2   George Robertson, Plasterer, Dundee.
931-2   James Winton and Alex Winton, both Seaman.
935-2   George Smith, Manufacturer.
938-2   James Hamilton, Teacher.
938-3   Robert Hill or Mill, Flaxdresser.
940-2   Silvester Ogilvie.
957-2   Amelia Sinclair and Geo Campbell.
967-2   James Thomson, Manufacturer.
969-2   Geo. Thomas Baxter, Coal Broker.
970-3   Jean Guild for her husband James Isles.
978-2   James Wright, Labourer and Elizabeth Neil daughter of the late Alex Neil, Harbour Porter and his grandchildren.
981       J McIntosh, Carter, Hillton.
983-3   John Crichton, Flaxspinner.
1018-2 David William and Alex Smith.
1019-2 James Simson, Weaver.
1021-2 James Ramsay, Flaxdresser.
1032    David Easson.
1041    1713 James Soutar, Wright, Hilltown (Small stone no inscription).
1064-2 Representatives of the late John Crichton, Brewer.
1066-2 Alexander McNicoll, Baker and Flesher, Hillton.
1072-2 Thomas Stewart, Glover.
1081-2 John Ireland, Wright, Chapelshade, and his wife for their children.
1083    John Kerr, Engineer.
1098-2 James Skeen, Cabinet Maker.
1099-2 George Thomson, Dundee.
1066-2 Andrew Smith, Tinplate Worker.
1108-2 David Brown, Wright.
1120-2 Thomas Tosh, late Boatman (Small Stone).
1123-2 Dog/Doig Rattray.
1123-3 Scott.
1138-2 Thomas Noble, Grocer, Hawkhill, Dundee.
1142-2 David Webster, Inspector of Gas.
1147-3 George Robertson, Starcher.
1152-3 David Scobie for charles Scobie Mason, his brother.
1155-2 John Campbell, Merchant, Overgate.
1158-2 Alexander Guild, Carpenter.
1159-2 James Barnet, Wright, Hawkhill.
1166-2 George Soutar, Weaver.
1169-2 John Baxter, Shoemaker.
1170-2 Thomas Glenday, Shipmaster.
1170-3 Robert Miller, Labourer.
1177-2 William Archer, Mason.
1178-2 Alex Burns, Flesher.
1190-2 John Low, Shoemaker ( No stone of this number. This entry supposed to have been made by mistake in stead of John and Edward Gow ) See No 1192-2.
1195-2 James Stewart, Weaver.
1203-5 William Carnegie, Heckler.
1212-3 Mrs Jean Mill, Widow of John Ferguson, Carrier.
1220-2 Charles Whitton, Mason.
1220-3 Alexander Fleming, Corn and Meal Dealer, Seagate.
1222-3 John Justice, Smith, Dundee.
1225-3 Representatives of the late John Scott.
1228-3 James Lindsay, Wright, Hillton.
1232-2 1818 John Hood, Gardener 1852 April 21 revisal dues paid by the Grand children of Alex Hood and was a brother of John Hood the erector in terms of minutes of Hospital Committee of 27 Feby and 25 March 1852.
1235-4 Robert Williamson, Mill Manager.
1236-7 John Kidd, Mill Wright.
1237-3 Peter Ramsay, Brewer, Scouring Burn.
1238-3 Charles Symon, Pensioner from 42nd Regt
1238-4 Robert Beat, Cabinet Maker and Peter Guillan.
1238-5 John Whyte, Machine Maker.
1238-6 David Chaplain, Warehouseman.
1242-2 Henry Campbell, Mason for his son Robert and other relations.
1242-3 Andrew Peebles, Miner.
1242-7 John Campbell, Weaver.
1244-2 James Wilkie, Manufacturing, Foreman.
1246-5 Thomas Chalmers, Farmer.
1248-2 Mrs J Wright, Scouring Burn.
1249-3 John Miller, Shipmaster.
1252-5 John Robertson, Weaver.
1254-2 1835 John and James Bell for their father and mother.
1255-4 John Simson, Shipmaster, Jessie Duncan, John Simson, Shipmaster, Heirs of Barbara Duncan, wife of Thomas Smith, Mason. See minute of Committee on Burying Ground of 26th July 1840.
1255-5 David Bower, Manufacturer.
1256-2 R.P.M.
1259-4 Mrs Marjory Thomson.
1261-2 James Balburnie, Mill Wright.
1262-2 James Cook, Brushmaker.
1262-3 William Morison, Manufacturer, Dundee.
1263-4 Alexander Smith, Porter.
1265-3 John Gellatly, Engraver.
1266-5 Thomas Lamb, Confectioner.
1272-3 David Mudie, Grocer.
1273-2 David Sinclair for his wife.
1279-4 William McKenzie, Weaver.
1285-2 Robert Ogilvie, Shoemaker.
1285-3 Charles Nicholson, Brush Manufacturer.
1286-2 John and William Stewart, Masons, Dundee.
1293-2 Thomas Easson, Corkcutter, Barrack St.
1293-3 James Low, Mason.
1293-4 Thomas Thomson, Mill Wright.
1293-5 William McRae, Plasterer and John McRae, Wright, Hector McRae, Alexander McRae.
1293-3 Mrs Margaret Lumsden and William Lumsden.
1297-2 David Yule, Weaver, Cowgate.
1299-2 1833 James Robb, Tailor, Pleasance, Claimant: John Norie, Merchant.
1303-3 James Robb, Barber, Maxwelltown.
1304-3 Robert Warden, Brewer.
1309-6 John Bruce, Seaman.
1321-3 James Dixon.
1321-4 David Barnet, Millwright.
1323-2 Alexander Porter, Carter.
1323-3 Thomas Young, Sailor.
1329-2 David Edwards, Weaver.
1337-2 David McRitchie, Wright.
1340-2 David McDonald, Porter.
1344-5 David Mills, Manufacturer.
1346-2 John McKenzie, Grocer.
1346-2 Alexander Addison, Gardener.
1348-3 David Saunders, Gardener.
1351-2 James McFarlane, Weaver.
1351-3 Alexander Langlands, Warper.
1354-2 David Dick, Clerk, South Tay Street.
1357-3 David Carnegie Airth, Shipmaster.
1362-3 David Kennedy, Warehouse Porter.
1362-4 Thomas Gellatly, Harbour Porter.
1365-2 William Robertson, Porter.
1365-3 Representatives of the late John Donaldson.
1370    James Galloway, Cooper.
1371    Alex Japp, Shipmaster, Dundee (now 1372)
1376    1815 Andrew Thoms.
1377-2 Henry Ducat, Vintner.
1377-4 John Brown, Machine Maker.
1381-2 Robert Ramsay, Ship Carpenter.
1382-2 William G? Porter.
1383-2 James Jack, Harbour Porter.
1388-2 David Robb, Millwright.
1388-3 James Smith, Shipwright.
1393-2 James Chalmers, Labourer.
1395-3 John McIntosh, Mason.
1395-4 James Crammon, Shipwright.
1400-2 Robert Martin (Quarrier and Contractor for James and his father) R.M.B.B.
1401-4 James Smith Junr, Manufacturer.
1403-2 Andrew Moncur, Weaver.
1407-3 George Smith, Druggist.
1408-2 1832 Thomas Ewan, by his family.
1410-3 John Cooper for his father.
1413-2 James Robertson, Lapper.
1415-2 James Mitchell, Gardener.
1417-2 Orphan Institution.
1431-2 Henry Howey, Druggist.
1439-2 Walker Saunders, Hatter.