Jean Munro spouse to David Garland,
wright, died 15th of August 1784, aged 72 years.
This stone was revised by Andrew Garland, Tobacconist, in memory
of his father David Garland, Wright in Dundee, who died in the year 1772, aged
78 years; Also his son John Garland, who died in the year 1780 aged 22 months;
Also David Garland died the 23 day of November 1780, aged 9 months and 3 weeks.
Source: The Book of the Howff, ŠLibraries, Leisure and Culture
Dundee, Local History Centre & is
reproduced with kind permission.
1784 David Garland wright revised
by Andrew Garland Tobacconist Overgate
Claimant: Andrew Garland Esq