Erected by William Kinnear and Ann
Ogilvie his spouse, in memory of their children, John and Peter and Christian
Kinnear, as also William Kinnear their father, who died the 21st January 1769,
aged 69.
Revised by William Kinnear, Coppersmith here, and Margaret
Lumsden his spouse, in memory of their children, viz, Ann and David and William
and Marjory Kinnear.
Source: The Book of the Howff, ŠLibraries, Leisure and Culture
Dundee, Local History Centre & is
reproduced with kind permission.
1769 by Willaim Kinnear
coppersmith, Dundee and Ann Ogilvie
Claimant: Heirs of Andrew Soutar, Black smith, Wallace Craigie.