Tombs of the Dundee Howff
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 Stone No. 741



Latin inscription to John Mason Senior, died 15th February 1604 aged 50.

Monument is partially obscured by 740 which lying on top of it.

Hic jacet probus vir Joannes Masone senior Burgensis Burgi de Dundie obiit quidecimo die mensis Februarii anno domini millesimo sexcentesimo quarto aetatis suae quinquagesimo.
Memento homo quod civis es et in cinerem revestis.
Omnia mors equat.

Here lies an honest man John Mason, Senior, Burgess of the Burgh of Dundee, who died 15th February in the year of the Lord One thousand six hundred and four, and of his age fifty.
Man, remember thou art dust, and will return to dust.
Death levels all.

Source: The Book of the Howff, ŠLibraries, Leisure and Culture Dundee, Local History Centre & is
reproduced with kind permission.