Tombs of the Dundee Howff
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 Stone No.726



I.M. Joannis Wedderburne M.D. ex famillia de Blackness oriundi viri artis medicę peritissimi comis et amabilis omnibus virtute illustris, Margarita Balfour vidua męstissima in testimonium veri erga conjugem affectus monumentum hoc extruxit. Orbiit 3 Julij 1751 ętatis 72.

To the memory of John Wedderburne, Doctor of Medicine, descended from the family of Blackness, a most skillful physician, and a man gentle and loving to all, and adorned with every virtue, Margaret Balfour, a sorrowing widow, raised this monument as a testimony of true affection towards her husband. He died 3rd July 1751, aged 72.

Source: The Book of the Howff, ©Libraries, Leisure and Culture Dundee, Local History Centre & is
reproduced with kind permission.

Burial-place of the Wedderburn family, including the Wedderburns of Croft, of Pearsie, of Easter Powrie, and of Ballindean. The principal monument is the upright one with the centre shaft, erected in honour of Lady Margaret, daughter of David, Lord Ogilvie, and sister to David, Earl of Airlie. She was the mother of Sir David Wedderburn, Bart. On the west side of the pedestal a beautifully executed marble tablet by Schumacher, the tutor of the Celebrated Nollekens.

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