Original text is no longer
Revised in 1831 by Isabella and Eupham Black, to the beloved
memory of their uncle William Scott, who died 9th December 1830, aged 75 years;
Also in remembrance of the ancient family of that name, many of whom are
interred in this portion of the burying ground.
In 1838 it was noted that a partial remnant of the original
inscription remained, being :-
Anno 1598____ Mors vita fidelum et mors eternal.
In the year 1598_____ Death is the life of the faithful, and
death eternal.
Source: The Book of the Howff, ŠLibraries, Leisure and Culture
Dundee, Local History Centre & is
reproduced with kind permission.
1831 Revised by Isabella and
Eupham Black
Claimant: Miss Black, now Rev Mrs Jaffray.