Heir lyis an honest young voman
calit Isobel Spens, spous to Robert Herin bonitmaker and burges of Dundee quha
departit this lyif upon the seaventh of September 1642 and of age 24.
Heir lyis Agnes Leslie spouse to David Hill, Maltman in Dundie,
who died the 17th of March 1747, aged 40 years. Here also lies Ann, Elizabeth,
Agnes and David Hills, children procreat betixt them.
David Hill, Maltman, interred here the 20th of Aprile 1759, aged
58 years.
Source: The Book of the Howff, ŠLibraries, Leisure and Culture
Dundee, Local History Centre & is
reproduced with kind permission.
Claimant: Heirs of John Leslie, Hosier head of Murraygate.