Tombs of the Dundee Howff
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 Stone No.634




 The text is in Latin and is practically eroded beyond the point of being able to be read.

North side has the initials MA with shield which contains stars and half moon

South side letters PMG and shield which contains 3 bird outlines.

There are a number of transcriptions found for this inscription and and I have listed them here.


 Sarcophagus of Patrick Gourlay, Town Clerk of Dundee, who died in 1667.

The Latin may be translated thus:-


"This Clerk was calm, and kind to persons all,

His goodness and his Candour were not small;

His life prov`d this unto the very End,

When trembling joints his Quill could not extend:

Painful and wise, meek, faithful, and his days

Closed in honour and immortal praise.

Son in his father's steps, and loving spouse,

Built up this Tomb for the dear Defunct's use

Collection of Epitaphs and Monumental Inscriptions Chiefly in Scotland (1834) Robert Monteith

Monumentum probi ac spectatę integritatis viri,
magistri Patricii Gourlay, scribę publici curię Taoduni;
hac in arte a negotiis fidelissimi; qui laxato vinculo
corporeo humanitus naturę cessit 17 cal. Januarii anno
Domini 1667. Ętatis suę 47. Ejusdem itidem Mar-
jorię Anderson conjugis amantissimę.
Hic animo tranquillus erat librarius omni,
Notus ut ingenuus, sic probitatis amans;
In vita, hoc semper signis testatus apertis,
Ulterius calamum dum manus ęgra negat:
Sedulus arte sua, prudens, mitisque fidelis ;
Sic fragilis vitę munere functus obit.
Conjunx cui & natus, cupiens insistere patris
Vestigiis, curant hęc monumenta strui.

The monument of a good man and of known integrity,
Mr. Patrick Gourlay, clerk of Dundee, most painful
and faithful in his calling; the pins of whose tabernacle
being loosed, he died as above, upon the 17 January 1667.

This clerk was calm and kind, to persons all,
His goodness and his candour was not small;
His life prov'd this, unto the very end,
When trembling joints his quill could not extend:
Painful and wise, meek, faithful; and his days
Closed in honour and immortal praise.
Son, in his father's steps, and loving spouse
Built up this tomb, for the dear defunct's use.

Claimant: Dr Gourlay, Magdalene Yard


The monument of a good man and of known worth, Mr Patrick Gourlay. Town Clerk of Dundee, most faithful in his transactions, who loosened from the corporeal chains of humanity, died 17th of the calends of January, in the year of the Lord 1667, and of his age 47; and Margaret Anderson his wife.

Source: The Book of the Howff, ©Libraries, Leisure and Culture Dundee, Local History Centre & is
reproduced with kind permission.