Tombs of the Dundee Howff
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 Stone No.599



 heir lyes ane godlie honest man naye GEORGE PONTION

skiper and bvrges in the qvinsferie vho deparant this lye the ???


Skull and x bones

Heir leys ane honest man namit George Pontion, Skipper and Bvrges in the

Quinsferie, vho depairtit this lyf the first of September, 1651, and of his age ——.

Blessed are the dead which, die in the Lord, for they rest from their labovrs, and their works do

follow them.

Into thine hands I do commit

My spirit, for thov art thee,

Oh! thou Jehovah, God of Truth,

That hast redeemed me.

Source: Thomson.

Claimants: Heirs of A. Littlejohn, ___ Hardy sailmaker, James Hardy sailor and his wife Betty Miller, Alexander Miller, bleacher, George Miller, weaver.