Inscription erased.
Hic dormit vir pius ae virtute
praeditus Goldimus Ramsay mercator civis deidonenes qui obiit 2 die Feb. anno
1640 aetatis suae 70. Jacobus Ramsaeus nauta defuncti genes ona cum Grissilla
Ramsay conjuge castra defuncti filia monumentum moe impendiis propriis caedendum
Source: The Book of the Howff, ŠLibraries, Leisure and Culture
Dundee, Local History Centre & is reproduced with kind permission.
Note: The inscription for this monument was incorrectly
documented as being on 437, it however belongs here.
Here sleeps a pious man endowed with virtue, William Ramsay,
Merchant and citizen of Dundee, who died 2d February, in the year 1640, and of his
age 70. James Ramsay, Mariner, son-in-law of the deceased, with Grisell
Ramsay, his chaste wife, daughter of the defunct, caused this monument to be erected at
their proper expense.
In on bed ve both did keip, In on grave ve both doe sleip; I hop
the grave sal vs restor, Both
agane to his heavenly glor.
Source: Thomson.
Table stone with fielded panels.
In memory of William Ramsay, merchant, 1640, his son in law James Ramsay, and his wife Grisell Ramsay.
"In on bed ve both did keip,
In on grave ve both doe sleip;
I hope the grave sal us restor,
Both agane to his heavnly glor."
This stone has been restored by George Hunter Thomas Esq., Sheriff of Orkney and Shetland.
Description given in Compt Buik of David Wedderburn 1587-1630
published 1898