Tombs of the Dundee Howff.


  Updates from 2014


06/05/14 - Once again restored from a backup and on a new URL hopefully for the last time

11/05/14 - Edited and updated links page.

14/05/14 - Editing for spelling errors on various pages. One of those jobs that should have been done some time ago but I never got around to.

15/05/14 - Corrected some errors on wall pages with more edits to come.

17/05/14 - Added Obituary for Mr Peter Dron Hospital master. Story of "THE ROOND-MOO'ED SPADE". Newspaper article regarding the dismissal of Sextons. Howff again, newspaper article. Room for the dead article. Logie ghost story.

18/05/14 - News article relating to ancient carved stone fragment found in the Howff. Revolting scene at Logie Kirkyard. Other small tweaks and edits carried out on various pages on the site.

19/05/14 - Update added for stone fragment story as printed in The Scottish antiquary, or, Northern notes & queries Volume 2. New guestbook added.

20/05/14 - Added a plan for the Howff.

24/05/14 - Added replacement photographs to history page and uploaded a cleaned up Howff plan from the early 1900s. Corrected errors with the James Chalmers memorial 526 and correctly added 526-2 to the site. Added photographs to the surname index pages.

25/05/14 - Added Sketch from A.C. Lamb for No.37, added favicon. Added additional pics to W15.

26/05/14 - Photos added to 211, 226-2, 270, 303, 396-2, 399, 407-2, 408, 412-2, 415, 444, 481, 580, 582, 598, 601, 619, 634, 685, 693, 698, 712, 712-2, 750-2, 754, 765, 793, 803, 813, 816, 890, 904-2, 928, 942, 965, 970-2, 978, 1195, 1197, 1203-1

New stones added 720,815,969,1174.

27/05/14 Photos added to 161, 291, 418, 485, 538, 708, 752, 941, 992, 1097, 1197

01/06/14 Photos added to 87-2, 92, 99, 155, 162-164, 192, 200, 215, 237, 260, 261, 261-2, 265, 280, 282-284, 321, 323, 328, 352, 356, 390-2, 390, 407, 408, 411, 412-2, 439, 446-2, 494, 496-2, 497, 499, 517-2, 521-526, 640, 641, 641-2, 644, 741, 856, 869, 869-2, 906, 908-3, 913-3, 915-917, 919, 929, 934, 935, 1004, 1014, 1016, 1017, 1096, 1098, 1109-2, 1110, 1125-2, 1127, 1188, 1193, 1209, 1211, 1214, W6, W7, W9A, W13, W14

Finished and tidied up loose ends for the Wedderburn plot adding links from 723, 724, 725, 726, 812 to 810-812 with photographs for all stones.

Updated 740-2 to include missing inscription from the north side and added additional photographs

New photos added for W1, W2, W4, W5, other small tweaks made here and there including a share button as well as the like button on the index page.

03/06/14 Twitter button added to index.htm, last update notice moved to home page

04/06/14 Added Google custom search box to the home page.

05/06/14 Uploaded Old Mains with additional information to come.

08/06/14 Moved twitter and facebook buttons to home page as this is linked to more by external sites than the index page also added google+ button. Changed index page back to old format with link to fdca. Also included disclaimer to the bottom of the home page regarding disassociation with the HRG due to some identity confusion on social media. Moved update message to the top of the navigation bar.

16/06/14 New pictures added for 1400-1450, new page added for 1406, 1412-2, 1412-3, 1415, 1425, 1425-1, 1429, 1437, 1440-2, 1442

17/06/14 New pages added for 1258, 1262-4, 1264-3, 1268, 1277, 1307, 1311, 1316, 1317, 1342-2, 1345-1, 1357, 1359, 1361-2, 1363-1, 1367-3, 1380-2, 1385, 1391, 1394-2

18/06/14 New pictures added for 1340 to1399

19/06/14 New pictures added for 1246-2 to 1254, 1256-2 to 1278, 1300-2 to 1301-3, 1302 to 1302-2, 1303 to 1339

27/06/14 Uploaded new pictures for memorials numbered 1-99, new page added for memorials 48, 72, 74 and 98.

28/06/14 Uploaded new pictures for various memorials between 100 and 200, new pages added for 116, 168, 152, 144-2, 141, 139, 185-3, 174-2

14th to 16/07/14 New pages for 220, 276, 267, 310, 338, 338-2, 337, 335-2, 330-2, 355, 341, 375, 363, 398, corrected 224, removed 253-2, 301 replaced by 301-2, corrected Graig to Craig, 349 changed to 349-2, 367-2 changed to 368-2, 367 names corrected, 388 to 388-2, 388-2 to 388-3, 383 to 383-2. Pages added for 438-3, 460, 456, 473, 555, 579, 471, 552, 577, 571, 462, 545, 539, 583, 620, 616, 581, 540, 534, 700, 615, 530, 610-2, 602, 530, 677, 637, 671, 672, 636, 635, 674, 675, 632-2, 668, 627, 659, 628, 657. 415-3 to 416-2, 440-2 to 440, 490 to 490-2, removed 483, 618 to 618-1, 605 corrected. 625 to 625-3. Removed 776-2 as duplicate. New pages for 718, 713, 714, 778, 779, 773, 774, 768, 762, 758, 756, 755, 746-747, 748, 742, 743-2, 733, 727, 795, 794, 791 added new photographs for known memorials from 200 to 799. Spelling error corrections for same pages. Page added regarding stone No. 355

17th to 19/07/14 New pages for 820, 814, 809, 806, 844, 843, 839, 835, 827, 824, 823, 822, 879, 875, 866, 860, 859, 851, 898, 883, 885, 881, 905, 904, 903, 921, 923, 933, 954, 950, 948, 945, 989, 987, 968, 962, 963, 964, 1000, 994, 993, 1007 and others up to 1236-3, uploaded available photographs from 800 to 1237, error corrections made for said pages.

20/07/14 Added pages for fragments, unlisted and unidentified monuments.

21/07/14 Added more fragments, added page for 169-2, 195, 276-2

28/07/14 Update to 436 regarding reuse of the base of the monument to form 432.

02/08/14 Switched the menu system from frames to CSS, this has a knock on effect of stopping users of old versions of Internet Explorer from viewing the site correctly, however it has a positive effect of allowing a more enjoyable visit for users of mobile devices :) Tested via desktop versions of Firefox and Chrome and also Android versions of Firefox, Chrome, Opera, Dolphin and Android browser on both Jellybean and Kitkat. Also Apple Safari on Ipad and Iphone.

10/08/14 Added 13, 18, 27, 28, 30, 39A, 265. Inscriptions for 64-4, 129-4, 139, 144-2, 152, 167, 168, 185-3, 337, 338, 389, 397-3, 473, 524, 545, 552, 556, 584-586.

19/08/14 In no particular order, obituaries added for 226, 54, 132, 1301, 624, W16, 1156, 923-3, 46, 312, 191-2, 380, 1250-2, 53, 1239-2/3, 526, 526-2, 285-2, 11-2, 1350, 632-2, 42, 89-3, 500, 1213, 1214, w18, 66, 22, 67, 21, 23, 942, 107, 3, w3, w15, 648, 795, 805, 47, 592, 526 and 1149. Various inscriptions added across the site from James Thomson History of Dundee and some descriptions by A.C Lamb.

20/08/14 Added new pictures for wall monuments and page for newly rediscovered fragment for W16A and additions for other memorials.

21/08/14 New pictures for 87-2, 590, 591, 806, 809, new page for 589. More information added to wall monuments pages.

22/08/14 - 10/09/14 Various updates to memorial pages across the site.

11/09/14 Added additional details to 1, 10, 11, 11A, 12, 17, 19, 21-25, 31-35, 37, 39.

12/09/14 Revised inscription added for 42.

13 & 14/09/14 Updates to various stones between 1 to 330-2, 97-2 moved to unlisted section.

25/09/14 Updates to various between 331 and 400-2, added page regarding the Dead-House.

26/09/14 Updates to various between 401 and 460.

27/09/14 Updates to various between 461 and 570.

28/09/14 Updates to various between 571 and 670.

01/10/14 Updates to various between 671 and 700.

21/12/14 Whilst minor updates will still be carried out across the site, for the time being only major updates will be recorded here.