By the
Gaelic congregation Dundee
in memory of
wife of the
minister of that congregation
she being led to the blood
of the lamb having lived a
life of faith on the son of god
fell asleep in Jesus on the
16th December 1842 in the
56th year of her age
blessed are the dead that die in the lord.
"salm CXII agus VI rann
air chuimhne gu brath bithigh
am firean
lob caibxix agus xxv rann
oir a ta fios agam gu bheil
mfhear-saoraidh beo agus ma
dheireaddh gu sease air an talamh"
Here also lie the remains of MARGARET T
her mother spouse of
Glenure Argyllshire who died at
Dundee 23rd May 1831 in the 86th
year of her age
and likewise of JANET MITCHELL
her niece who died 27th November
1829 aged 22 years.
Also here deposited
the remains of the
who departed this life 11th Febr 1854
aged 76 years
after having been upwards of
32 years a faithful and labourious
minister of gospel in the Gaelic congregation
THE REV. CHARLES MACALLISTER, who had been settled in Dundee as
the Gaelic minister for upwards of thirty years, died on Saturday, Feb. 11,
1854, in his 75th year. For some time previous to coming to Dundee, Mr
Macallister was engaged in mission work in the Western Islands. He laboured with
very great devotedness and zeal among his flock, who manifested the warmest
attachment towards him. His pulpit addresses were able, earnest, and practical,
and were delivered in an emphatic manner. He never ceased to impress upon his
hearers the necessity of ' doing justly, loving mercy, and walking humbly' His
private visitings
were so regularly maintained, that he made himself intimately acquainted with
the state and circumstances of all connected with his church. Mr Macallister was
also a man of great determination. While at Mull, a party of military officers,
who had been at Waterloo, and who had come to hear him preach, invited him to
dine with them ; and Mr Macallister accepted of the invitation. They intimated
their intention to indulge somewhat freely, so that they might be able all the
better, in imagination, to ' fight their battles o'er again.' One of them
suggested to Mr Macallister that he might lay aside his black coat for the
occasion, and join them in their festivities, assuring him, at the same time,
that they were all men, and that he might rely upon their honour nothing
whatever would be divulged about their proceedings. Not to appear unsocial, Mr
Macallister partook of one glass along with them, and then retired, telling the
officer who addressed him, that the whole British army would not force him to
drink another drop. In the morning, the military party were found spread along
the floor, utterly unable to fight their battles o'er again, either in
imagination or in reality.