This stone was erected by John and
George Renneys, sons of John Renney, late merchant in Dundie, now deceast, in
memory of the said John Renney their father, who died the 15th of January 1756,
aged 45 years; as also Mungo, James, William and Elizabeth Renneys, his
children, who all ly interred here.
Also Margaret Renney his daughter, spouse to Peter Smith, mercht
in Dundee, who died the 7th May 1777 aged___
Source: The Book of the Howff, ŠLibraries, Leisure and Culture
Dundee, Local History Centre & is reproduced with kind permission.
1756 by George and John Renneys,
sons of John Renney late merchant in Dundee
Claimant: Bailie James Smith, clothier High Street.
"Omnes eodem cogimur"
Death is inevitable.