Original inscription is in Latin.
Under this marble lies buried the body of Janet Nicol, wife of
William Wilson Esq, merchant in Dundee. She died 7th January in the year of the
Lord 1808, aged about 58 years, leaving a husband, two sons, and six daughters,
to lament the death of a beloved wife, and a most dear mother. Here also lies is
the above named William Wilson Esq. who died on the 29th April, in the year of
the Lord 1817, and of his age 68; and also his eldest son John Wilson, Esq,
Merchant in London, who deceased on the 28th April, in the year of the Lord
1822, and of his age 45.
Source: The Book of the Howff, ŠLibraries, Leisure and Culture
Dundee, Local History Centre & is reproduced with kind permission.
Claimant: John Luke Esq, Dundee