? memory of
Andrew Butchart
Brewer Dundee
who died 29th April 1851
Aged 59 years
Helen Low
His spouse
To the memory of Andrew Butchart, Brewer, Dundee, who died
29th April 1851, aged 59 years, also Helen Low, his spouse who died 11th
December 1844 aged 52 years, and of their son William who died 17th May 1846
aged 24 years. This stone is erected by their family as a token of respect.
Source: The Book of the Howff, ŠLibraries, Leisure and Culture
Dundee, Local History Centre & is reproduced with kind permission.
To the memory of
James Low wright Dundee
Who died 20 February 1809
Aged 63 years
May Wales his spouse
Who died 22nd November 1815 aged 62 years
Also their daughter
May Low wife of John Pullar feuar
Who died 29th April 1851
Aged 74 years