

Tombs of the Dundee Howff
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 Stone No.195

This stone is in poor condition and currently buried under a bush.



At the wall beside the 2nd recess, tombstone of Villiam Nevton, Litster, 1608.

"The memorial of the rightivs is in the remembrens of the Lord continvaly, and sal not taist of the second deith ; bot the memorial of the vikit sal rot, and pas avay and decay.

"Ve leir fra Abraham oor father of old,

To honor the burial ve soold be bold.

"O Lord, qvhov acceptabil is deith to them qvom feris and lovis the.

In morte vita" [ In death is life ]

Heir lyis a man of renovn and fairn callit Villem Nevton, Litster, (An old and now

obsolete term for a Dyer ) Bvrges and Brother Gild of Dindie, qyha dit in the Lord the 27 of

September, 1608, and of age------ .

The memorial of the righteovs is in the remembrens of the Lord continvaly, and sal not taist of the

second deith; but the memorial of the vikit sal rot, and pass avay and decay.

Ve leir that Abraham ovr father of old,

To honor the bvrial ve sovld be bold.

O Lord, qvhov acceptabil is deith to them qvom feris & lovis the. Life is death.

Source: Thomson.