Tombs of the Dundee Howff
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 Stone No.188



Inscription. AC Lamb

 The cope stone of a Sarcophagus bearing the following inscription:-


"Pietate virtute et literis egregie Gaecis Latinis et Gallicis excvltae Christianae Rvtherford uxoris avae posvit David Lindesay. Obiit Novemb. 9 1603 annos 40 nata."


[David Lindsay placed this in remembrance of his wife Christian Rutherford, adorned by piety and virtue, and accomplished in Greek, Latin and French literature. She died 9th November 1603, aged 40 years.

David Lindsay placed this in remembrance of his wife, Christian Rutherford, adorned

by piety and virtue, and accomplished in Greek, Latin, and French literature. She died 9th

November, 1603, aged 40 years.

In memory of John Ferguson, mercht., Dundee, who died Octr. 1770, aged sixty years; and his

spouse, Margaret Ramsay, died in Feby. 1781, aged sixty years.

Source: Thomson

Revised in 1812 by their son Joseph Merchant, Dundee.

Claimant: Heirs of Isobel Ferguson, merchant Murraygate