The executors of
Miss Isobella Willison
?? Margaret Willison
Willison who died
??1881 aged 18 months
of Andrew Willison
Writer in Dundee
All of whom are interred here
Text is very fragmented.
Erected by the executors of Miss Isabella Willison, in memory of
Margaret Willison, who died 2nd February 1811, aged 69 years. Dr John Willison
Physician, who died 28th March 1811, aged 70 years and 6 months. The said
Isabella Willison, who died 18th August 1834, aged 78 years,- all children of Dr
Andrew Willison, Physician, Dundee.
Margaret Willison who died 10th june 1796, aged 4 months;
Alexander Willison who died 27th June 1820, aged 21 years; Dr John Willison who
died 25th February 1835, aged 30 years,- all children of Mr Andrew Willison,
Surgeon in Dundee. And Andrew Willison who died 23rd October 1831, aged 6
months, the son of Andrew Willison, writer in Dundee,- all of whom are interred
Source: The Book of the Howff, ŠLibraries, Leisure and Culture
Dundee, Local History Centre & is
reproduced with kind permission.