Tombs of the Dundee Howff
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 Stone No.156



 Elegant Sarcophagus monument.


Erected to Andrew Archibald, Lithotomist, now much out of repair.

It formerly bore the following curious Latin inscription referring to his surgical operations:-


"Monumentum Andreae Archibald lithotomi

Insignis qui obiit pridie Septembris anno salutis

Humanae 1662vaetatis suae 67.

Ejusdem itidemvconjugi Catharineae Powreae


Hic situs Andreas Archibaldus candidus arte

Lithotomus gratis qui tulit almus opem.

Pauperibus sacri verbi memor usque tonantis

Qui panem gelidis mittere mandat aquis

Lithotomi multi tenantes tollere morbum

Hine pro uno incolumi mille dederi neci.

Dum vixi studui morbum quam caluli acerbum

Tollere sic summus senset et imus opem.


Hic jacet Archibaldus cautus qui et usque peritus

Sanavit multos nullaq causa necis

Haec conjunx cui liquit opes monumentae marito

Erigit hic scriptis quae super ossa notis.


Nomina forte rogas lector Catherina Powreae

Dicitur haec vera pura quod usque fuit.


M ors solet innumeris morbis corrumpere vitam

O mnia mors rostro devorat usque suo

R ex princeps sapiens servus stultus miser aeger

S is quicunque velis pulvis et umbra sumus."

The monument of Andrew Archibald, a famous Litho-tomist, who died 1st September,

in the year of human salvation 1662, and of his age 67. As also of his most loving wife, Catherine


Here lies good Andrew Archibald, to his art

Chirurgeon, to the poor he did impart

His helping hand; still minding God, who bids

The Christian throw his bread upon the floods.

He, in his art most skilful was, and he

Excelled others in the mystery

Of cutting of the stone; for by his skill

He many healed, but never one did Trill.

I studied much to cut the bladder stone,

To poor and rich a kind chirurgeon.

Here learned and skilful Archibald lies, who was

To many life, of death to none the cause.

His loving wife, from his own wealth, did raise

This monument and writing to his praise.

Header, you ask her nameā€”lo! here,

The silent tomb doth Catherine Pourie bear;

As Pourie named, so she was truly pure,

And by free grace from every stain secure.

Death is accustomed to destroy life with innumerable diseases

Devouring all things with a revenous appetite.

King, Prince, the Wise, the Fool, the miserable, Sick,

Whoever you may be, we are all but dust and shadow.

Revised by James Campbell, mercht., 1819, in memory of Margaret Peter, his mother, who died

in March, 1801, aged 66 years.

Claimant: Robert Farquharson and ? Mills his son in law
