Old stone on surface of ground
nearly covered with earth and broken in two.
Claimant: James Mc Lean weaver & Peter Mc Lean Cabinet maker.
Fergusius Lyne linctor civis dictae civitates conjun ae Janetae
Fairwedder filiae dicti Thomae hoc facit fieri
Heir lyis ane honest man Thomas Fairweather litster burges of
Dunde qua departit 25 of Maii 1583 zeirs of age 44 zeirs and __ his spouse quha
departit this lyf the 2 of November 1609 of age 63 zeirs and Robert Fairwedder
th___ a departed in ye month of Julii 1609 a__ and Helene Fairwedder thair
daughter quha departit this lyf the 8 October 1609 and of age 23 zeirs.
In Latin: Fergus Lyne of Linn, Dyer, citizen of
the said city, husband of Janet Fairweather, daughter of the said Thomas, caused
this to be made. Source:The Book of the Howff, ŠLibraries,
Leisure and Culture Dundee, Local History Centre & is
reproduced with kind permission. |