Tombs of the Dundee Howff
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 Stone No.1084

Stone 1084 A





wright Dundee

who died 22nd December 1836



This stone was revised by David Preston, Merchant in Dundee, in memory of his father John Preston, who died the 26th July 1762, aged 44 years; Janet Sime his mother, who died 21st February 1766, aged 45 years; Elizabeth Preston who died November 29th 1769 aged 1 year; David his son who died 12th May 1772, aged 6 months; Janet Roch their mother who died 1774, March 20th, aged 47 years; as also Katherine Preston who died 18 Novbr 1780, aged 1 year 4 months; David who died 18th Febr 1781 aged 2 years and 4 months.

Source: The Book of the Howff, ŠLibraries, Leisure and Culture Dundee, Local History Centre & is reproduced with kind permission.

1762 David Preston, Merchant Dundee.

Claimant: Robert Shepherd, wright, Murraygate, son in law to David Preston.

Revisal dues paid by D Shepherd, wright on 3 May 1842 for right to revise in terms of minute of Hospital Committee of 28 March 1842.
