In spe vitae aeternae quicquid fuit
olim mortale Johannis Brunton qui 78 annos natus obiit 16 die Octobris A.D. 1811
hic requiescit necnon ( in Dei videndi cujus favorem a pueritia assidue ambo
poposcerant ejus uxoris justae reliquiae Annae Finlay quae anno fere 83 nata
morti occubuit 19 die Febr A.D. 1812 hic humantur.
Here rests in the hope of eternal life, what was mortal of John Brunton, who
lived 78 years, and died 16th of October in the year of the Lord 1811. Also in
hope of seeing God who favour from their youth they both had assiduously
implored are here entombed the remains of his honest wife Ann Finlay, who lived
nearly 83 years, and died 19th February in the year of the Lord 1812.
Source: The Book of the Howff, ŠLibraries, Leisure and Culture
Dundee, Local History Centre & is reproduced with kind permission.