Flat stone, Alexander Gray and Elspeth Smythe, 1613. Arms of Gray and Smythe.
"Ve pas from deithe to lyf.
As gras ve pas
From that ve vas
Ve hope againe,
Vith Christ to raigne."
Heir lyis ane godlie father, Alexander Gray, elder, Baxter,
Bvrges of Dundie, quha
departid the 5 of Agust 1613, vith his spovse Elspet Smythe, a
godlie matron.
Ve pass from deithe to lyf.
As gras ve pass
From that ve vas,
Ve hope againe
Vith Christ to raigne.
Source: Thomson.
Old stone on surface of ground broken in two.
Claimant: David Porter, Scouringburn & his heirs.