Robert Muresone, 1637.
"Avay, vaine vorld ! thov occean of annoyes,
And com, sveit heaven, with thy aeternal joyes."
Collection of Epitaphs and Monumental Inscriptions Chiefly in Scotland 1834 (R Montieth)
Here lies a godly and virtuous man, Robert Mureson,
merchant burgess of Dundee; who departed 30
September 1637, being of age 32 years.
Away vain world, thou ocean of annoyes,
And.come sweet heav'n, with thy eternal jo yes.
Heir lyis a godlie vertevs man named Robert Muresone, merchandt,
Burges of Dundei,
who departed the 30 of September anno 1637, being of age 32
yeeris, and lived 4 yeers in the
blissed band of mareag with his law fvll spovs, Helen Colene, of
whom he begat thrie children.
Avay, vaine vorld ! thov ocean of annoyes,
And come sveit heaven, vith thy aeternal joyes.
Source: Thomson.
Murisone of Naughton