Tombs of the Dundee Howff
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 Stone No.67


Inscription. AC Lamb/ Thomson

 Latin Translation....

WILLIAM GOLDMAN of Sandford formerly citizen & ???? of Dundee

died 4th April 1613 aged 43



Hic jacet vir honoralus vibis Deidonanae qvondam civis et . . . . Gulielmus Goldinan de Sandfurd qvi obid oetatis ~ anno qvctdragesimo qvarto, anno a partvr. Virginis 1613, prie nonas Aprilis. Memento Mori.

Here lies an honourable man, formerly Burgess and . . . . of Dundee, WILLIAM GOLDMAN of Sandfurd, who died in the forty fourth year of his age, on the day before the Nones of April in the year from the Accouchement of the Virgin, 1613. Remember thou art to die.

Source E.B

Claimant: Heirs of Goldman Laird of Sanford
