"Monumentum sepulchrale marmoreum mausoleum Andreae Forrester Deodani praetoris praeclari qui in officiis
praeturae obiit diem 13 No. 1671 aetatis 34. In amoris testimonium unica et selecta conjux Marjoria Watson
superstes caedendum curavit.
"Transmissi ad animam sed putre cadaver quod hic vide singloriam tale Chistus reddet vindex quale extulit orco ad
coelites denuo redux.
"My soul to heaven is gone ;
My body made of clay
Lyes rotting here, under this stone,
Till the uprising day.
"Excessit e vita praedicta Marjoria Watson anno 1708 et hic inter mariti cineres sepulta est.
"Eorum unica nata Martha Forrester Kentigerna Murray Gulielmi Murray de Ouchtertyre equitis filio nupsit obijt
mortem hic anno 1718 illa anno 1737 et ambo sub hoc marmore requiescunt-superstitibus duos filijis Joanne
Murray de Lintrose armigere et Alexandro Murray mercatore Deidonano."
[This is the marble sepulchral monumental mausoleum of Andrew Forrester, a famous Bailie of Dundee, who died
in the office of Baillie on the 13th day of November 1671, aged 34.
His only chosen wife, Marjory Watson, survivor, caused this to be erected in testimony of her love.
I have sent my soul to God, but the vile inglorious body which you see her, Christ my judge, shall so restore, that
at length it shall arise from the grave to the heavenly mansions.
My soul to heaven, &c., as before.
The before-mentioned Marjory Watson departed this life in the year 1708, and here she was buried amoung the
ashes of her husband.
Their only daughter, Martha Forrester, married Mungo Murray, son of Sir William Murray of Ouchtertyre, Knt ;
he died in the year 1718, she in the year 1737, and both rest under this stone, leaving two surviving sons, John
Murray of Lintrose, Esq., and Alexander Murray, merchant in Dundee.]
Collection of Epitaphs and Monumental Inscriptions Chiefly in Scotland 1834 (R Montieth)
Monumentum hoc sepulchrale marmoreum mauceo-
lum Andreæ Forresteri Taoduni prætoris præclari, que
in officio præturae Diem obiit, July 8, 1671. Ætatis 34.
In amoris testimonium, unica & selecta conjunx Mar-
joria Watson superstes cædendum curavit.
Transmisi ad superos animam; sed putre cadaver
Quod vides inglorium;
Tale Christus reddet vindex, quale extulit orco,
Ad cœlites denuo redux.
To Andrew Forrester, a most famous baillie of Dundee,
who died in that office, as above. His singular
and only wife, Marjory Watson surviving, in testimony
of her love, caused erect this mausoleous monument of marble.
My soul to heav'n is gone,
My body made of clay,
Lies rotting here under this stone,
Till the uprising day.
Claimant: Forrester of Forrester's heirs. (sic)